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- Graphics Design
- Video Editing
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Our Strands
Inquire, create, operate, communicate and with computers while accepting nothing less than complete student satisfaction
Core values
Professionalism, Research, Transparency, Partnership and Respect
Variety of Courses
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Welcome to CTIA School of Technology. Join us on the journey of discovery, creativity, critical thinking, and innovation. We empower your Digital journey through ICT Training, and our website is your passport to unlock the power of Technology and become the Master of your Digital destiny.
At CTIA, we create for digital excellence, making your learning interactive, interesting, and enjoyable. Our comprehensive Computer Courses enable you to inquire, create, operate, and communicate with computers. When you join CTIA, you are assured of ultimate learning experience, personalized attention, flexible learning schedules and job placement assistance.
We’re strategically located in the heart of Iganga Town at Hamdan Building Next FINCA BANK in Uganda. We offer Classroom lessons, Online, Day, evening and Weekend programs.
We are consultants, guides, and partners for ICT trainings, advocating for innovations with world-class tech-teams through ICT seminars and workshops. Register to join us on the journey of discovery, critical thinking and Innovation in the world of computer age.
Binsobedde Najiib [Director - CTIA] +256 753 71 73 14
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CTIA Courses
Microsoft Office
This Course will prepare you to attain Computer skills and competences in typing and printing professional documents using Office Word, managing transactions using Microsoft Excel, presenting content on projected screens using Power point, managing enterprises using Database, how to use internet. All these skills help in successful day-today Business operations.
4.2Website Design
This Course empowers students with the knowledge and skills of how the world operates digitally. Students learn how to develop dynamic Websites for companies, organizations and businesses using advanced languages like PHP, HTML5, CSS and frameworks like Bootstrap and Codgniter.
4.7Graphics Design
Softwares like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign Applications will enable you to design attractive and attention-grabbing products like flyers, brochures, logos, invitation cards, calendars etc. You'll gain skills in Designing and branding of various products for businesses, industries, companies, media, organizations & schools.
4.6Computer Repair
Your choice to pursue this course will be a good step in the right direction to become a Computer technician, able to troubleshoot or diagnoise computer problems and ultimately by being able to install Software Applications such as Operating Systems (Windows) and other Programs
This Course will empower you to gain the insight and skills of Financial Management through computerized business accounting and management. You will be able to track Income, Invoices, Expenses, Bills and generating a variety of financial reports such as Accounts Payables, Accounts Receivables, invoices, Balance sheets and many more others fincial reports.
4.1Video Editing
This incredible multi-media course will equip you with skills in Video Editing using advanced software applications such as Premier-Pro / Video Studio, Pinancle, among others. You'll be able to produce eye-catching and attention-grabbing promotional videos, wedding and events videos.
4.2Sound Editing
Think of how you would like to share an audio or promotional advert in sound form.
This Course will equip you with essential skills in sound editing using dedicated sofwares like Adobe SoundBooth and Audition. These skills will enable you fit for the available job offers in Media.Radio Presentation
This incredible media course will equip you with proficiency in Radio Presentation and Production. You'll get skills in recording Radio Jingos, sweepers & adverts using advanced applications like Jezila, Soundbooth, Cool-Edit and Audition. Thus, you'll fit for the available Media job opportunities.
Flexible Learning
Classroom & Online
Practical Skills
You learn what you see
Job Assistance
At 50% to find job offers for you
4 Strands of ICT
Inquire, Create, operate & Communicate with Computers
Personalized attention
One Computer per Student
ICT Professionals
With Technnological experience